How do you handle your collected data?

The responsibility for this lies with you! If you do not comply with the new legislation, you risk a fine of 2-4% of your total worldwide turnover up to a maximum of € 20,000,000. Reason enough to pay attention to the little things. One of these things is securing files that contain your collected data.

In the dashboard of SpotOn you have the option to make a printout (export) of this data. When you do this, it will be saved as a CSV file on the device you're currently working on. This also means that you will have to protect this file yourself with, for example, a password. You can open this file with Microsoft Excel or a similar program.

You can easily and quickly arrange security in Microsoft Excel:

  1. Click on 'File' and then on 'Info'.

  2. Go to 'Protect workbook' and then 'Encrypt with password'.

  3. Enter a password and press 'OK'.

  4. Save the file again and your customer file can now only be opened with the corresponding password.

Are you using another program and/or can't you figure it out? Please contact us. We are happy to help you secure your customer base(s)!