Under the GDPR legislation in the EU you can exercise the following rights:
Right to access stored data
Find out what information is stored and request a printout of this information. The owner of the WiFi used has access to this data. They can also delete this data.
Right to deletion
The owner of the WiFi used can delete your data. You can also submit this request to us via our unsubscribe-tool.
Right to object
You can object to the use of your personal information and request that it be deleted. Contact the owner of the WiFi that you have used or submit a request yourself to remove your data via our unsubscribe-tool.
Right to data transfer
Request a printout of the data that has been stored so that you can send this information to another organization.
Right to Restrict Use
You can request to stop using personal information that is no longer used, is inaccurate or is being used for unlawful purposes.