Scan QR Code on iPhone
Scan a QR code with an iPhone like this:
Open the Camera app.
Pretend to take a picture of the QR code. To do this, point the camera at the QR code. Do this with the rear lens (so don't use the selfie camera).
The QR code will appear on the screen. Visualize the QR code in full.
The device tries to recognize the code. A notification will then appear at the top of the screen to open the underlying site of the QR code. Tap the notification.
Scan QR code on Android device
Scan with an Android device like this:
Open the Camera app.
Point the camera at the QR code. Visualize the QR code in full.
A notification will appear at the bottom with the underlying link of the QR code. Tap the notification.
Android devices without QR scanners
Most Android devices have a QR code scanner built into the camera app. If this does not work on your device, you can install Google Lens. Download the app first if you need to. Then scan a QR code like this:
Make sure the Google Lens app is installed.
Open the Camera app.
Point the camera at the QR code. Visualize the QR code in full.
A notification will appear at the bottom with the underlying link of the QR code. Tap the notification.