
By clicking on ‘unfolding filter’ in the top right hand corner you can filter the results.

Profile details

By clicking on the ‘details’ button or on a profile, you will see the details of the specific profile. On here you will find relevant information like their age, gender, e-mailadress, phone number, social media account and Wi-Fi usage. You can also revoke the access to free Wi-Fi or delete the profile.


By clicking on export, you will immediately download a file. The file is a printout of all the saved profiles with the accompanied data. You’ll find more about this topic in this article ‘Data exporting’.


By clicking on ‘user import’, you will be referred to the ‘users import’ page. If you had or have other ways of collecting data and do you have a printout of this? Import this data and use it to boost your reach with the customers. You will find more about the importing of data in the article ‘Data exporting’.