On this page, you will find all profiles that have been saved so far. The results can be filtered by clicking the green button 'Expand filter' at the top right. Here you can see who has logged in via where and when this was, for example.
Profile details
By clicking on a profile or the 'Details' button, the details of the relevant profile are displayed. This contains data such as age, gender, e-mail address, telephone number, social media account and WiFi use. Access to the free WiFi can also be denied here or the profile can be removed.
By clicking on 'Export', a file will be downloaded immediately. This file is a printout from all the saved profiles with the associated data. More about this can be found in the article 'export data'.
By clicking on 'user import', you will be redirected to the 'User import' page. Do you have or did you have other ways of collecting data and do you have a printout of this? Then import it and give your reach a boost. You can find more about importing data in the article 'importing data'.
Below is an image of what the page looks like. And where you can find everything.